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The Sarah Lacy Story: A Major Motion Picture

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Get ready. Get set. For the grandest motion picture biopic in the history of cinema! The Sarah Lacy Story: A Major Motion Picture is set to hit theaters in the spring of 2016 — but only if the production remains on schedule (a big if) and only if Pando founder Sarah Lacy can resolve her […]

Jason Calacanis: The Cat

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Hey Kids! Ever wondered what a cat-version of Inside.com founder Jason Calacanis would be like? No? Well, maybe you should get out more. Most people who know Jason walk through the day with one burning question on their minds: if Jason was a cat, how would the cat act? Well, I’m not quite sure, but […]

The San Francisco Savior

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The city of San Francisco needs a savior…and now, one man stands ready for the challenge. American Techbrat Bryan Goldberg is…The San Francisco Savior. Swoops into theaters this Tuesday.

Andy Warhol’s Web 2.0

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If Andy Warhol were alive today, you kind of get the feeling that he would draw portraits of the Web 2.0 elite, don’t you?  Well, over the weekend, I broke into St. John the Baptist Byzantine Catholic Cemetery, where Warhol is buried, dug him up, shoved electrical cords into his nostrils, and successfully shocked him […]

When a Jason Calacanis Death Joke Goes Horribly Wrong

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It’s no secret that Mahalo founder Jason Calacanis has a deranged fascination with death. He regularly tells people to kill themselves on Twitter and announced in April that he was making “kill yourself” his new catchphrase. But Jason’s attraction to bloodshed is nothing new. Way back when at Affiliate Summit West in 2008, Calacanis stopped […]

Why I started this blog

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To be frank, I started this blog because I felt like I had to. If you were hoping for a lengthy post, loaded with introspection, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but you’ll find very little of that here.  Enterprise Cometh is an extropsective place, full of fine metaphorical wine and paper dreams. While I have […]

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